About US !
The main goal of the company is to apply advanced technology in the field of Elevator market with competitive price & to deliver Superior value products to our customers and society at large. We want to become an undisputed market leader in the Elevator Industry.
Sabab Enterprise / Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. wants to see Fuji brand elevator as trustworthy elevator company in Bangladesh. To make the dream come true the company is planning to open 30 service centers in Dhaka city to serve all kinds of elevator problem within 30 minutes
Sabab Enterprise / Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. is a fast growing Elevator, Escalator, Generator, Building Waterproofing Solution & Medical Equipment Import & Supply Business in Bangladesh. Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. in order to provide our customers with the highest quality technology and services.
Certificates Of Authorized Agency

About Our Chairman
Abu Yousofe Sharker is the chairman of Sabab Enterprise / Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. After completing his Honors, Masters & MBA from Reputed University started the Export Import Business. He has Ten years of experience as an Importer of Elevator Accessories, Generator, and Electrical Cables. He has been work in Saudi Aramco since 2001 to 2005 as a Assitant manager of International procurement department at the same time he was involved in commercial department as a senior coordinator with same company. As you know Saudi Aramco is the one of the big company in the world. He did attend lots of courses and seminars over his life time and gain vast knowledge about Elevator; Escalator & Generator commissioning & testing with maintain relationship with the customers. He joined different type of electronics & spare parts international trade fair & seminar in Turkey, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Baharain & China. Sabab Enterprise / Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. is invited every year as a Vendor from Saudi Aramco International Market.
About Our Company
Sabab Enterprise / Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. is a fast growing Elevator, Escalator, Generator, Building Waterproofing Solution & Medical Equipment Import & Supply Business in Bangladesh. It has been started The company has 63 units running project & very closed to complete 30 units project within this June 2016 all over the Bangladesh like Dhaka, Chittagong, Tangail, Kishoregonj, Feni & Saver. Within very short period of time Omega Elevator achieve so much popularity in the people Bangladesh. As it was a partnership company & shortage of man power it was not possible to enlarge the company as well as market demand & expand the business strategy Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. has been merged with SABAB ENTERPRISE Before merge Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. doing import Elevator accessories, Generator & Garments spare parts from Italy, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam & China.
We are among the most reputed and reliable companies engaged in installation of lifts and Elevators and their maintenance. Provide reliability and performance, Manufactured under strict quality standards.
Now Sabab Enterprise / Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. assembled Fuji brand elevator & Escalator from China. SABAB ENTERPRISE also import Generator & Transformer & Garments Equipment’s.
Sabab Enterprise / Sabab Elevator & Engineering Ltd. has A corporate office, 1 branches Office & 6 Service center in Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayanganj & Camilla.
The Business corporate office is 22/18,26 Dag Tolarbagh, Darussalam Road, Mirpur-01, Dhaka-1216